We are a group or collective of citizens, with different levels of interest, knowledge and experience in the electricity sector, willing to collaborate and generate knowledge of all the factors involved in the industry, from the most basic concepts, to the most technical and complex theories, with the optimal purpose of promoting a chain that benefits all parties involved, from the generator to the consumer.
We establish our communication under three transcendental purposes:
We generate greater access to detailed information on the energy sector at all levels. More and better information in a specialized, user-friendly and digestible site.
We create knowledge that allows us to create an informed criterion about the true functioning and challenges of the sector. From the most general and basic concepts of energy to the most complex situations faced by the sector. We share knowledge for everyone and at all levels.
Through access to information and the generation of knowledge, we form criteria in our readers to drive the necessary dialogue that will lead the energy industry into the future.
Our Mission
Reach broad audiences to build better understanding. We provide in the same space, everything related to energy, creating a collaborative space for dialogue.
To be referents and engines of change, to lay the foundations to generate individual and collective development. Influence the industry to achieve transformation and change in an effective manner.