We are a group or collective of citizens, with different levels of interest, knowledge and experience in the electricity sector, willing to collaborate and generate knowledge of all the factors involved in the industry, from the most basic concepts, to the most technical and complex theories, with the optimal purpose of promoting a chain that benefits all parties involved, from the generator to the consumer.

We establish our communication under three transcendental purposes:


We generate greater access to detailed information on the energy sector at all levels. More and better information in a specialized, user-friendly and digestible site.


We create knowledge that allows us to create an informed criterion about the true functioning and challenges of the sector. From the most general and basic concepts of energy to the most complex situations faced by the sector. We share knowledge for everyone and at all levels.


Through access to information and the generation of knowledge, we form criteria in our readers to drive the necessary dialogue that will lead the energy industry into the future.

Our Mission

Reach broad audiences to build better understanding. We provide in the same space, everything related to energy, creating a collaborative space for dialogue.


To be referents and engines of change, to lay the foundations to generate individual and collective development. Influence the industry to achieve transformation and change in an effective manner.

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Saving energy the easy way: 8 tips for the home

More and more people are interested in saving energy. Now, do you know how you can do it at home? Here we will teach you how to take care of this valuable resource.

Renewable energies and their current trends worldwide

We explain what renewable energies are, what types exist, what their advantages are and their current application trends around the world.

Simple tips to save electricity

The road to energy efficiency starts at home. By saving in your home you contribute to lowering the demand for generation, reducing the level of demand on the sources, all while reducing the cost of your bill. We share with you some simple tips to save energy. Brings...

What does it mean for energy to be renewable or non-renewable?

Our way of life needs a lot of energy, more and more: airplanes, refrigerators, cars, computers, cell phones, etc. All human activities require energy, but to obtain this energy we must transform sources, such as the sun or the wind.

What is energy?

Energy has been a key piece for the development of mankind, since the beginning of its existence it has needed energy to survive and advance, it is the capacity of bodies to perform work and produce changes in themselves or in other bodies. In other words, the concept of energy is defined as the ability to make things work.

Wind energy a process under construction

Wind power is another clean energy source. Fortunately, it contributes nothing to climate change or the greenhouse effect. It is the cleanest there is. Wind turbines are responsible for producing the energy. In many countries, wind energy projects serve large...

What is sustainable development and the SDGs in energy?

Energy use is one of the root causes of climate change. It accounts for about 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. However, important steps are being taken to reverse this situation and achieve human development that does not endanger life on the planet. Here we...

Energy innovation: how are industries adapting?

Energy innovation is key to the future of industries. Basically, because the world will need more and more demand to build products and services. However, the ecological aspect and care for the planet must also be considered. Here we tell you about the role of...

Simple tips to save electricity

The road to energy efficiency starts at home. By saving in your home you contribute to lowering the demand for generation, reducing the level of demand on the sources, all while reducing the cost of your bill. We share with you some simple tips to save energy. Brings...

What is energy efficiency?

Are we aware of how much energy we use? Are we spending more than we need to? Is sufficient power available? It is important to ask ourselves these and other questions to regulate our habits and focus on efficient energy use. We explain what energy efficiency is all...

What is Sustainable Energy?

Many sectors are currently talking about sustainable energy and its importance, but do we know exactly what it means? What is the definition of sustainable energy? Sustainable energy is energy that we can use without compromising the ability of future generations to...

Photovoltaic technology

Photovoltaic (PV) devices generate electricity directly from sunlight through an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of materials, called semiconductors. The electrons in these materials are released by solar energy and can be induced to travel...